Monday, July 2, 2007

Persistence.....with a capital 'P'

No, I am not an ungrateful person.... I take everything given to me by God with great poise and grace (yeah.. yeah.. so what if i lose it at times? Everybody cracks under pressure.. hrrmph..) But lately I have started complaining.... I am being ladled out more than my fair share of bad times....

What is it about broken relationships that annoy me most? Persistence....

My best friend is mighty nettled these days. Why? Her Ex refuses to move on. She called me today and I told her to flee away from the country to retain her sanity. I was wrong. She should stay here and fight the demons. Because, that's what I am doing.....

How many times do we face this situation? When somebody we think should move on, refuses to do so. Exasperating? Isn't it?

I have a pretty colorful past. A broken engagement, one or two boy friends and a couple of crushes... Everything left a scar... everything contributed to my experiences and everything gave me a realization... sometimes a rude awakening... But the first prize would always go to my engagement, which left a bitter taste in my mouth and a wonderful and fulfilling relationship with my current boy friend. Sounds funny? Yeah it is... because it was that broken relationship which made me realize that i have another bond... with someone who is caring and an absolute sweetheart to the core.... someone who helped me pick up the pieces of my broken life. (Thanks Jackass!)

I broke a two month old engagement last year (Yeah it was an arranged match!) Reason being that i realized after a couple of meetings with the guy that we're totally incompatible and I'd royally screw mine and his happiness if I would go on thinking about everybody else's' happiness (Thanks to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, which incidentally was a gift from my ex fiance!) Moreover, there was a lot of animosity from the guy and his family too... they had several terms and conditions (Give up reading novels, read Osho, start meditating, stop eating potatoes, slim down, do MBA and loads of others...most of which I've never done in my lifetime!) I am sorry, but i don't think marriages work on terms and conditions (I might be wrong, but i do have a right to form my own opinion. Right?)

After facing a lot of heart-ache, opposition, turbulence and breaking off this futile alliance, I made a checklist. Which is as follows:

1) Move out.
2) Start living on your own.
3) Concentrate on your job.
4) Be happy and positive.
5) Forgive and forget.

I managed to do almost everything except forget (I even forgave!) Why did i never forget? Because of PERSISTENCE. I wanted to... but the guy's mother refused to move on... she kept persisting that i marry his son. (She still is..) So many things have happened because of this irrational doggedness... a rift between me and my family... insomnia... a feeling of being hunted.. a resolution to stay away from people born under the sun-sign of Cancer (Sowy P!! but its true) and a general discomfort at the idea of being married. Whatever... i am still determined on taking control of my future and not get into a relationship which will cause me nothing but despair.

Wow! i feel good... this was something which was struggling to get out.. for a long time.....

On a lighter note... A broken affiliation always paves way for a new one!!!(Remember my optimism!)


Dan said...

a resolution to stay away from people born under the sun-sign of Cancer

Huh? Say it ain't so!! (I'm a Cancer.)

But seriously, we are all the product of every experience we've ever had in life. We wouldn't be who we are today had anything gone differently. I really believe that everything happens exactly as it should. Otherwise it wouldn't have happened that way.

J' said...

true true....

You're an exception dan! ;)