Saturday, November 17, 2007

...been some time

There is a lot happening at the same time...

My head is reeling at the speed of everything.... realisations are difficult... especially if they are the hurtful kinds...

Things which you have believed in, trusted on and thought will never change.... they change in a moment.... along with that, changes your perception, your plans and your attitude towards certain things...

I don't want to change...


Dan said...

Aww ... what's going on J? Let me know if I can help.

It's Thanksgiving in the US. Happy Thanksgiving. I decided to start blogging for a bit out here again.

J' said...

You're a swwetheart! Thanks Dan!

Anonymous said...

hey nice blog. for crissake it was just a rumble. wait for armageddon. that oughta be fun

J' said...

Thanks jo... I dont want to wait for armageddon... Its wont be fun.