Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I am on a break...

So I am back..

To the square one..
To the place where I began...

Mid life crisis?

I really don't know what got me here....

Spiritual healing?
Conciliation with my soul?

I don't know what I am looking for....

What I've come to know is that 'Peace' is an illusion.... always within and out of your reach....

I hope this break proves me wrong...


purplemomentz said...

sometimes a break is well worth it ... not doing anything can be one of the most important things to do ... often allows you to see there is a bigger force out there planning a dream bigger than you could ever imagine ... only if we could all see it.... be grateful for it.

J' said...

Thank you.
For being the first one not criticizing my decision.

I am grateful, for being alive, for having the capabilities of overcoming my weaknesses.

Anonymous said...

Peace is real if you work hard to get it. It is not for free for sure. Break is good time to do some soul searching. Glad to see you are back to blogging.

J' said...

Trust me know that.