Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Why do we hate our jobs?
Something that makes me drag my weary ###### outta my bed every morning.. drive through a sea of demented drivers for 30 minutes... spend 10 hours or more staring at a an intelligent machine which can do calculations faster than i ever could and create beautiful presentations and reports... in between I juggle phones, talking to useless dumb ######!
Result: I go home every evening, tired but happy that i have something to look forward to next day and i sleep peacefully because i have a job with which i can pay my bills and have fun every evening and weekend!
Being jobless is scary....
Hence: Its what we make of it... Happy or unhappy is a state of mind and very much under our control
Something that makes me drag my weary ###### outta my bed every morning.. drive through a sea of demented drivers for 30 minutes... spend 10 hours or more staring at a an intelligent machine which can do calculations faster than i ever could and create beautiful presentations and reports... in between I juggle phones, talking to useless dumb ######!
Result: I go home every evening, tired but happy that i have something to look forward to next day and i sleep peacefully because i have a job with which i can pay my bills and have fun every evening and weekend!
Being jobless is scary....
Hence: Its what we make of it... Happy or unhappy is a state of mind and very much under our control
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Looking at something?
Now this is what I call a cute monkey!
For reasons unexplained and unknown to me, I find monkeys cute... This one is one of the cuutest i've found so far...
The photograph has been taken by one of my colleagues. Check out more wildlife photographs from him here.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Lazy Bum
I don't get time...
I am usually too tired to think when I am home...
I have ten thousand other things to attend to...
I cant think of anything to write about...
I am bored of Internet....
I like reading books and watching more than writing...
and writing is more or less my job now...
Reasons are many...
but the truth is... i am just plain lazy...
I am usually too tired to think when I am home...
I have ten thousand other things to attend to...
I cant think of anything to write about...
I am bored of Internet....
I like reading books and watching more than writing...
and writing is more or less my job now...
Reasons are many...
but the truth is... i am just plain lazy...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
3 years & 3 months
It just hit me...
I just realized...
Its been exactly 3 years and 3 months since I have known you!!!
3 & 3!!!
I know... I know.. its not a great deal... but for me it means 3 years & 3 months of love, affection and companionship...
I still remember the day I met you... I thought you were an ass'ole!! I was wrong.... soooo... wrong... You are not just an ass'ole.. you're also one of the most loving and adorable people I know.
We've been through so much... individually and together... but one thing remained constant.. you unwavering support... which means the world to me...
All the small things... the small talks... the small gifts.. small spats (OK OK BIG ones too!!) and the small dreams... which you've given me, define my life and existence... what would I do without you??
Thank you for changing the meaning of my life....
I just realized...
Its been exactly 3 years and 3 months since I have known you!!!
3 & 3!!!
I know... I know.. its not a great deal... but for me it means 3 years & 3 months of love, affection and companionship...
I still remember the day I met you... I thought you were an ass'ole!! I was wrong.... soooo... wrong... You are not just an ass'ole.. you're also one of the most loving and adorable people I know.
We've been through so much... individually and together... but one thing remained constant.. you unwavering support... which means the world to me...
All the small things... the small talks... the small gifts.. small spats (OK OK BIG ones too!!) and the small dreams... which you've given me, define my life and existence... what would I do without you??
Thank you for changing the meaning of my life....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I have left a piece of my soul there...
There's nothing much to write about the 'nondescript' start of our journey. We
left New Delhi around 3.30 PM. We talked a lot and stopped at various places to eat. It was around 10.30 PM that I started feeling sleepy.
I was dreaming... I could hear strains of 'Hotel California' in the background.. people in the car were singing..
They were singing about cool wind in their hair....

What I did not remember was falling asleep... When I heard unison of 'WOWS' a lot of times... I peeked from the corner of my eye.. noticed that the windows were open and we were in a small town...
I woke up peered out of the window and saw tall pine trees and a beautiful lake
in the midst of a tiny town. It was Bhimtal. The car stopped all of us got out of the car like kids who have broken loose from their mom's apron strings and rushed towards the wrought iron railing... a place which overlooked the lake... a parking lot.. We parked the car and decided to stay the night there... It was a daunting task to look for a place to stay in the middle of the night.. we managed to check-in in a small inn.. which was near the parking lot and the lake...

Our rooms were utilitarian... no frills... we had to share a bathroom... We were too excited.. about the second leg of our journey.. which would take us to the place which was out destination... Mukteshwar.

This time I did not sleep. The way to Mukteshwar was nothing less than
enchanting... I was enjoying every bit of it... It was a long way and it took us a longer time because we were stopping every now and then! We stopped at Sargakhet... There was a Gift Shop in that small village which sold Belgian Chocolates!! And there was a campsite called 'Camp Purple' which looked pretty fancy and comfortable for a mere camp!

It was an inn... We managed to get their best room... It was a suite with a huge
bedroom with wooden floor and a view of a garden with peach trees laden with lovely pink fruits! (They were for free!! You can eat as much as you want!) There was a nice bathroom and a tiny sitting room with french windows which opened in a balcony with the most beautiful view of the valley and mountains.

Most of the days were spent in idyllic sightseeing, hiking, sitting, chatting,
roaming around Sargakhet & Mukteshwar... nights were spent around a bonfire... singing, eating and drinking...

Another exciting adventure was a natural stone platform overlooking a deep
chasm.. a sheer drop of at least 5000 feet... enough to make anyone giddy...We spent close to 4 hours...sitting on that platform... doing nothing at all... It was perhaps one the most daring things I've done in my lifetime...

Soon it was time to go home....

I promised myself that I'll return... if not to take one of those numerous hikes I have missed on... to look for the piece of my soul which i left there....
Sunday, June 8, 2008
It was one of those days...
Yes.. It was one of those days... and as always, there was a proverbial cherry on the cake!!! And today, I just know that I have to write about it and get it off my chest..
Shit is happening at work.... and nothing seems quite right in life.. (I am still positive that something good will come out of it!!)
This is what happened....
(Based on true events!!)
My head was buzzing and I felt sad... ends are always like this for me... especially if its a happy movie with a tragic end.. but this is no movie... This is part of my life..a chapter... and it looks royally fucked up right now... I am not alone in this drama... there are others involved as well... people I've spent loads of time with.. people who have been like an extended family and they are all sailing with me in the same boat.. in the same waters..
It was finally time to go home, V said "I'll drop you home. Lets go." I did not say much... I just nodded, gathered my stuff and went outside.
I got into the front seat. fastened my seat belt and opened the window. I hate air-conditioners. They are so artificial and they suffocate me... despite the fact that they do provide relief from heat and humidity most of the times.. V got inside.. looked at me and smiled. "Are you okay??" he asked. "Yes" I said. "But I am so pissed off.. with whatever is happening!" "It's alright! Everything will be fine" He said.
He started the car... and we drove off.. It was close to 11.50 PM. Streets were empty...as empty as I was feeling at that time.. I did not speak much. He turned on the radio and we listened to the music.... Nothing registered except for the fact that my window was closed again and the air-conditioner was on. (Damned technology!! Who invented power windows???)
Thirty minutes passed... It was a long drive... but I was close, close to my destination... my home and my haven... I was looking forward to reach... to have something to eat and then surrender to blissful sleep... I thought about V.. His home was farther... i sighed and looked at him.. He was talking with his girlfriend over the phone... He is so young...at 22 everything seems rosy.
"We're almost there." He said, after disconnecting the phone... "Look out!!" I shouted... We almost collided with a car coming straight towards us... It was a narrow street. V swore a couple of times. "Please drive slow." I said. We were nearing an intersection.. He looked at me and smiled "Don't worry!!" he said and then he looked ahead...
All I heard after that was tyres screeching.... Glass shattering and a metallic whine which was deafening me.. i felt light and was thrown against the driver's seat. I felt the impact... against my right shoulder and hip. I also felt a jolt... my neck was hurting me... My ankle was twisted and my ears were ringing... My head felt heavy and I felt an excruciating pain in my right ear... My chest felt as if it would explode...
Everything was black for a moment and there were images flashing. I saw J saying "I love you baby!" I saw mom & dad... smiling... I saw P.. hugging me when she was leaving after getting married.
I was dazed.. all I could whisper was "V!! Are you alright?"
I looked at my side... I saw V holding his shoulder.. and getting out of the car.. He was shouting... I don't know what... My head swam and I started crying... It was a relief... That he was not badly hurt.. I pulled out my phone.. I called J.. he was in the office... I cried... and talked to him... I told him where I was.. what happened (not in detail.. and I know most of it was meaningless babbling) Saint J... being the practical person he is was asking me to disconnect the phone and call the Police or somebody from home. I promised that I'll do exactly what he would say... (God!! accidents make people maudlin!)
I felt the door opening.. I saw an old kindly face...'Uncle' asking me whether I was alright. I got out with his help and almost fainted after seeing what happened to the other car. It was toppled.. sideways... I heard V having an animated conversation with a guy... I presumed he was the one who was driving the other car. He looked alright to me... I sighed again and collapsed in a chair nearby.. It belonged to the guard who takes care of the 'Kindly Uncle's' house. I saw other people around... people who were rudely awakened by the noise. I felt a cold bottle being pressed into my palm. I smiled at "Uncle' and said "Thank You." He also pressed a tube of some pain relieving ointment in my hand and said "My daughter is a doctor. I have a couple of more tubes of the same ointment. Let me know if you need more."
My head was hurting.. so was my cheek.. my ear... and neck.. I looked at the bottle of water.. It was a sealed bottle of mineral water. I pressed it against my cheek.. it felt good.. I opened the bottle and poured some water on my head... I felt faint .. I sat down... pulled out my phone again.. and called up my brother... asking him to pick me up... by that time I realised that the accident happened quite close to my place..
I looked at V's car.. It was smashed up... pretty bad.. on the right side.. and it was forced on a pavement... front was on the pavement.. and rear was still dangling on the road... it was a sorry sight... I thanked my stars...
V was talking to someone... I went to him.... I figured out that this guy was a friend of the gentleman driving the other car. They were talking about not involving the police. When I approached them... V told me that his parents are on their way to pick him up... The guy he was talking to offered to get his driver to drop me at my place.. I declined and told V that M was coming to pick me up...
M came... I said bye to V and thanked the 'Kindly Uncle' vowed that I'll come and meet him again and say thank you with flowers in a day or two... It was pleasantly shocking to see such caring people in an otherwise cold neighbourhood...
I got home... went to my room... dropped all my clothes off and looked at myself in the mirror.. my cheek... It was a bit swollen...my hair were wet and i looked like a bedraggled cat! I noticed that my right ear looked all red and there was a small bump behind it...
My head was still hurting... I went in the bathroom had a quick shower.. found a painkiller in the drawer.. washed it down with water.. applied some of the ointment which uncle gave to me on my neck... shoulder.. hip.. arm and errr.. face...
My phone was ringing... It was A. She heard about the mishap from V ... She was calling to check on me .. I assured her that everything is okay... I disconnected and was sitting on my bed.. thinking... My phone started ringing again... It was J.
"Are you okay J'???" He asked.. and i felt tears prickling my eyes again.. "I love you." I said and went on explaining what is wrong with me and where all its hurting... after 10 minutes.. during which I got several requests from him to get an M.R.I. scan done... and to go to sleep and consult a doctor in the morning... I hung up and went to sleep...
While lying in bed... I had a 1 on 1 session with my inner self... I concluded that I am thankful for whatever i have been given and that I appreciate life... I promised myself that I will cut down on the complaining and will concentrate more on making most of what I've been given...
I consulted a doctor in the morning and have been informed that I suffer from mild concussion. A minor sprain. I will be alright in a couple of days..
Its 2.30 AM... My head hurts... so does my neck... The effect of painkiller is wearing off now.. I know I should go to sleep... Its been a long day.. and I have a longer week up ahead...
But I feel better... now...
p.s. Thank you for the idea J.... Nych....
Saturday, May 3, 2008
I wonder why do we meet people out of the blue?? People who affect you life strongly and effectively..
I met one such person recently, through one of the numerous social networking sites I am on. He writes and thinks beautifully. He is good at listening and playing 'Agony Aunt"; but he is better at getting angry and scolding the life out of you!!
I call him "The Intellect".
I am glad I met you 'Ravana'. Cheers to our friendship!
ps: I don't regret giving you my phone number :P
I met one such person recently, through one of the numerous social networking sites I am on. He writes and thinks beautifully. He is good at listening and playing 'Agony Aunt"; but he is better at getting angry and scolding the life out of you!!
I call him "The Intellect".
I am glad I met you 'Ravana'. Cheers to our friendship!
ps: I don't regret giving you my phone number :P
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Last night I spent hours on meditation.
Not kidding. People who know me will say "pooh! you cant do that!" Honestly, with an attention span of like a couple of nano seconds, its very difficult for me to meditate.
But last night I realized that cleaning is as good as meditating for me. By the time I removed piles of junk off my bed, discovered for the nth time that i really own all books written by Ayn Rand and found my favourite earrings (again!) buried under the mounds of cushions; I was calm, thinking straight and felt good about myself and my life.
What more, I fumigated it (err... cant find a better word!), using those special lamps which has a small well for essential oil on the top and my room smells of lemongrass now! My room looks & smells like heaven! All i need is a bunch of fresh flowers to make it look err.. more lived in.
When I finished, it was 3 AM! I hate missing out on my beauty sleep (grumble grumble) but what the heck! It was worth it.
Try and you'll know what I am talking about ;)
Not kidding. People who know me will say "pooh! you cant do that!" Honestly, with an attention span of like a couple of nano seconds, its very difficult for me to meditate.
But last night I realized that cleaning is as good as meditating for me. By the time I removed piles of junk off my bed, discovered for the nth time that i really own all books written by Ayn Rand and found my favourite earrings (again!) buried under the mounds of cushions; I was calm, thinking straight and felt good about myself and my life.
What more, I fumigated it (err... cant find a better word!), using those special lamps which has a small well for essential oil on the top and my room smells of lemongrass now! My room looks & smells like heaven! All i need is a bunch of fresh flowers to make it look err.. more lived in.
When I finished, it was 3 AM! I hate missing out on my beauty sleep (grumble grumble) but what the heck! It was worth it.
Try and you'll know what I am talking about ;)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Who do you think you are??
"Swing it, shake it, move it, make it,
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it,
Show me how good you are" (courtesy: Spice Girls)
After a very long time, I heard this song playing in a 'Friend's (???) car and I was surprised to know that i remembered its lyrics! It made me nostalgic.. the days when I used to sing this song for anybody i didn't like in college... silently of course!!
But seriously, I can sing this song for most of the men I know...
I fail to understand why are men so pompous?
Who do you think you are?
Trust it, use it, prove it, groove it,
Show me how good you are" (courtesy: Spice Girls)
After a very long time, I heard this song playing in a 'Friend's (???) car and I was surprised to know that i remembered its lyrics! It made me nostalgic.. the days when I used to sing this song for anybody i didn't like in college... silently of course!!
But seriously, I can sing this song for most of the men I know...
I fail to understand why are men so pompous?
Friday, March 14, 2008
Such is life.
You wish that flowers dont die... but its unevitable...
Such is life
You get fired.. when you're about to get married to the girl of your dreams...
Such is life.
You are madly in love with a guy... who still holds a candle for his ex...
Such is life.
You sleep with a guy... knowing you're just a one-night-stand...
Such is life.
On a hot date you act coy... while wishing you could go and pee...
Such is life.
People think you're intelligent... they dont know that you almost always flunked in math..
Such is life.
You're honest... but your honesty is you biggest draw-back...
Such is life.
You get married... and your job takes you away from your wife...
Such is life.
You hate the book your boyfriend loves... you still read it again for him...
Such is life.
You keep smiling for the world... whilst wishing you could go the loo and cry your eyes out...
Such is life.
Life is a B***CH!
Such is life
You get fired.. when you're about to get married to the girl of your dreams...
Such is life.
You are madly in love with a guy... who still holds a candle for his ex...
Such is life.
You sleep with a guy... knowing you're just a one-night-stand...
Such is life.
On a hot date you act coy... while wishing you could go and pee...
Such is life.
People think you're intelligent... they dont know that you almost always flunked in math..
Such is life.
You're honest... but your honesty is you biggest draw-back...
Such is life.
You get married... and your job takes you away from your wife...
Such is life.
You hate the book your boyfriend loves... you still read it again for him...
Such is life.
You keep smiling for the world... whilst wishing you could go the loo and cry your eyes out...
Such is life.
Life is a B***CH!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
time stand still.....
If I had a way to make time stand still
I'd had a lot more time to kill
Sit on the beach and drink my fill
If I had a way to make time stand still
-The Hooters
There are lots of things to write about..
I'd had a lot more time to kill
Sit on the beach and drink my fill
If I had a way to make time stand still
-The Hooters
There are lots of things to write about..
Sometimes my head is bubbling with emotions and thoughts trying really hard to come out of the confined spaces and spill out to infect the world with their utter absurdity....
This is one of those times...
I have so much to say yet so little comes out...
This year has been hectic and to some extent baffling, so far... life is being garrulous... throwing away realisations at me, at a break neck speed.. one after the other...such effusiveness!! It scares me some times...
so many emotions....Frustration, pain, angst, fear, glee, exuberance and all that is part of growing older... wiser and cynical...
Meeting new interesting people... losing old friends... the ones you thought were there forever... learning to fall out of love... feeling less... talking more.... getting insecure about the future... being financially stronger... and most of all becoming more independent. The realisation, that family is anytime better than any friend... learning to live without people you think you cant live without... working harder... making compromises... living for yourself and listening to others....
So many things to do... so little time....
Somebody please ask the Gods in the heaven to go slow... the speed is befuddling me... making me irresolute of future and life....
ask the time to stand still....
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