Saturday, December 8, 2007

Why do i do this?

It is 3.35 AM. I know I can not wake up at 6.45 AM to get ready and venture out in the park for my daily jog at 7.00 AM

This is the second time in a row. Oh! I have excuses. Good ones. Like its Friday. I want a break. Or perhaps its way too cold outside and I am afraid that I'll get a chill (In the beginning of December , that does sound a bit ridiculous I know!)

Why do i do this?? What is it about exercise that I hate. I am overweight. Not obese but I can definitely do with a few kilos less. Some say that I lack the will, but NO!! If I put my mind to it, I know I can even solve an algebraic expression! (err.. maybe not!) I survived one whole day on milk & fruits and even managed to eat just ummm.. one cube of cheese.

Damn Italians! Why did they come up with such fine cuisine!! Damn Chinese!! Who asked them to introduce noodles to the world! and damn all the cows err.. and buffaloes and goats etc etc (Camels too!) for giving us milk which makes lethal and fattening cheese...

I am hungry.... lemme go and grab a sandwich... we'll continue..


Dan said...

J, next time we talk I'll tell you some interesting facts about losing weight. Remind me, OK?

Hugs J! xoxo

Dan said...


J' said...

Thanks Dan!
would be lovely to hear what you have to say about losing weight :D

Anonymous said...

10kms in the morning.
lots of water
5 kms in the evening
lots of water
4 Hrs of sleep
see the change

J' said...

Thanks Saint Jo!

Anonymous said...

I Thought the lady sitting next to me that day really gave you some wonderful ideas.
if she didn't. Then what were you two talking about & why did you make me feel sleepy :-]
